General Data Protection Regulation GDPR
GDPR – Why Consent Should Be Used As A Last Resort
Shireen Smith, Azrights, 21st Feb 2018
If your inbox is anything like mine, it will be full of emails about GDPR – news updates, invitations to training events, webinars and more. That’s not surprising given that GDPR represents one of the biggest shake-ups in the privacy and data protection laws since the internet.
Europe’s new data protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation is a complex piece of legislation. The text of the GDPR has changed many times so that some of the provisions that were originally proposed were dropped or changed substantially. If you’re wondering what actions you need to take to comply with the new laws by the end of May, which is when they come into effect, it’s important that you base your actions on well informed, current information.
However, if you’re a small business you probably don’t have the resources and the time to understand and deal with every minutiae in the regulations. read rest of article.....
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