General Data Protection Regulation GDPR

GDPR: A problem you may not know about

Is your company affected by GDPR? Is it ready for it? Do you know even know what GDPR is?

It is not clear exactly how many Malaysian companies are in the dark about how the European Union's (EU) General Data Protection Resolution (GDPR) affects them. This is the opinion of Kherk Ying Chew, partner and the head of the IP and Disputes resolution practice at Wong & Partners (a member firm of Baker Mckenzie International).

However, she said that an estimate of 70% "wouldn't be far" from the correct number.

This is in line with a survey by EY earlier this year that showed only 12% of companies in the Asia Pacific region have a plan in place to comply with the GDPR, and that only 33% of respondents worldwide say the same.      read rest of article.....

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